l e o t i g e r

Know thyself…and thy service provider
Shippers should be aware of their own needs — and those of their carriers
By William Armbruster, Shipping Digest
August 15, 2005 Volume 82, Issue 4303
Negotiations between shippers and transportation providers can sometimes be contentious, but even the angriest participants are unlikely to feel as though they’re waging war with their counterparts. But “The Art of War” — the famed military treatise written by the Chinese general Sun Tzu 2,400 years ago — has some relevance in the transportation business, according to Alex Chou, director of sales and marketing for Time-to-Air, a freight forwarder and non-vessel-operating common carrier.
Speaking at a recent seminar sponsored by NEXCO, a New York-based educational organization for people working in international trade and transportation, Chou quoted the Sun Tzu statement: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”
Time-To-Air Corporation’s presentation from July 27, 2005 is available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B95Jr8n6zNCqamNpMDlleTBjRW8/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-V9Rhp0gW2CiRBKKP-gracQ
Shipping Digest’s full article titled “Know thyself…and thy service provider” (extract below and right) is available as Adobe PDF document for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vhLVHUH442hD4a7Qe-2AV63ADjWNKJI-/view?usp=sharing