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l e o t i g e r

MAY29 ’17: inaugural five days spirit course
Course instructor: Christophe Mercier
Development and instruction: Alex Chou
OCT22 ‘16: graduation jury for wine course class #15
Course instructor: Christophe Mercier
Judges: Ross Edward Marks, Kip Leting, Ying Bee Phanwadee, Alex Chou
JUN16 ’15 inaugural three day cocktails course
Course instructor: Justine Dunne
Development, instructor selection and aid: Alex Chou
AUG29 ’14 inaugural one day beer appreciation course
Course instructor: Brian Bartusch
Development, instructor selection and aid: Alex Chou
DEC8 ’13: 45 hours (9 weeks) wine course class #3 graduation
Course instructor: Christophe Mercier
Translator: Yuipee Kampanathsanyakorn
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